
Wayra at the WebSummit 2022

It was an honour to be part of the WebSummit, and to film and document the event for Wayra; who, was hosting a workshop on technology innovation in the healthcare sector, and my role was to film their interactions and brand awareness.

I’m proud to say that the event was a success, and the client was very happy with the results. We captured some great footage that highlighted the workshop and its impact on the healthcare industry. We also managed to capture some great moments between Wayra and their attendees and the WebSummit in general.

The workshop was a great example of how technology can be used to improve the healthcare sector. It was inspiring to see the impact that Wayra’s work had on the industry, and I’m proud to have been part of it.

It was also a great experience for me working with Wayra. I also was filming Hester who was doing a “day in a life” type vlog which was a lot of fun to shoot, as she discussed with her colleagues the event. In addition, I was able to carry out some interviews with the broader team and understand how they feel their work is benefiting the industry.

Hester’s Vlog on LinkedIn:

I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to work with Splento to capture this important event and am proud to have been part of something special.

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